Saturday, December 5, 2009

Mouth Turns Up At John Tavares Autograph Signing : Only Place You Can Find NYI Fans

I think anyone who has seen Ranger Crisis Video # 50 knows The Mouth has a penchant to annoy Islander fans. Most of them are easy marks.

They are full of frustration and pent up anger that their team and its franchise after some early success has developed into one of sports most prolific and epic failures.

Hempstead fans are full of lame arguments on why their attendance is perennially low in their shameful arena year after year and The Mouth personally can not pass up an opportunity to "visit" with these dingleberries whenever they gather in mass.

Which certainly means avoid an Islander home game at all costs if you want to needle hundreds of NYI fans at once.

Go to a FREE John Tavares autograph signing. That’s where you will find these soon to be K.C cretins gathering like mice to cheese.

On December 1st, 2009, The Big Man trucked it down to the NHL Store in Manhattan to mingle with the week kneed, empty headed Hempstead fans at a John Tavares autograph signing.

Much to his chagrin his camera man didn’t show, so what was shot is kind of a less comedy filled bit than usual, mostly because of multi-tasking, but a bit, nonetheless, will suffice for now.

As for The Mouth meeting Tavares, The Big man reports that John is a really nice guy and took The Mouths good nature ribbing well.

The autographed pic that The Big Man received for his trouble was immediately put on eBay for the price of $49.99.

Check out the video to see what happened.


  1. Rangers in last place now are they?

  2. Shoryuken on Wade ReddenDecember 5, 2009 at 12:30 PM

    LMAO @ "the mannequins are the only ones wearing those." Classic.

    Can I make a request for the next treasure trove segment? Got anything from '95 vs Quebec or '96 vs Montreal in the playoffs?

  3. Im a ranger fan I have to admit this was terrible. Get a life

  4. Come here you Islander Wench! HAHAHAHA. Classic. Come here you Islander hooker. Hahahaha.

    I got to admit I didn't like you initially, but you are getting funnier and funnier day by day. It's cool and sweet.

  5. Have you checked the standings lately you moron?

  6. Do You remember how you got Tavares in the first place ?

  7. I didn't get Tavares the Islanders did. And you're still a moron.

    And I thought you were going to say something to Tavares? You're a wuss too.

  8. Great video, and I see its well received. I wonder how many of these fans will continue to root for them when they become the Kansas City Drylanders.

  9. -6 Jim. 6 less than now.
    I love it when you get people take the bait and get all riled up about your Islander videos.

    Do Islander fans just google "Ranger fans making fun of Islanders?" Why the hell would you come here if you weren't a Ranger fan.

  10. Wahhhh.. he made fun of the islanders .. Great video, still not as good as the draft party video. That one will go down as a classic.

    Viva la Mouth !

  11. lmao i love him .

    this video is so dumb?

  12. you lost your girl
    t bros
