The Mouth at the time didn’t know much about him and quickly dismissed him as basically as nothing less than a distress call to Hartford while the Rangers playoff hopes were getting torpedoed and taking on water. But the big guy always prone to the snap judgment was wrong and dead wrong at that.
After some investigative reporting which included a Quiznos Sub and Mountain dew and his Commodore 64, The Mouth hit the interwebs and found out that Artem (Artie) Anisimov is somebody he and other Ranger fans should get excited about.
During this off season Anisimov has been flying under the radar as far as Ranger fans go. While Blueshirt fans conversations are fanatically focused on acquiring a center to set up Marian Gaborik , their projected third line center for this year hasn’t got any heat or attention at all.
That’s why The Mouth decided to put together this little video vignette with commentary about Artie Anisimov and let the Ranger throng get a lbetter feeling about what Artem Anisimov is going to bring to the table for the Blueshirts in the 2009-2010 season.
I would love to see that. First year third line would be nice