Before you think that the Big man has lost what's left of his mind. The Mouth will not be discussing mind numbingly bad afternoon TV but instead getting us the lowdown on the stockpile of Rangers prospects and young players. All of whom are just chomping at the bit to play for the Rangers in 2009-2010.
The Mouth thirst for knowledge for Ranger Youth is insatiable so he will be chatting with the best of the best in that area, Jess Rubenstein of the Prospect Park blog. Jess also covers Ranger prospects for the oldest Ranger dedicated paper/blogs Blueshirt Bulletin.
This will be an informative, frank and fun filled discussion as his guest Jess Rubenstein is a truth machine just like The Mouth and will pull no punches in sizing up Ranger hopefuls.
Hockey Fans this is a must tune in Internet Radio event, as it will be interesting to hear what happens when both these two truth machines collide to talk Ranger puck.
As always we will be taking your phone calls and getting your thoughts on what young players should or shouldn't make the team this upcoming season.
The Number to call in (347) 857-2090
Listen Here
Should be a good interview. Jess knows his stuff. You better be ready Mouth.
ReplyDeleteWelcome back Mouth, missed you on the show last night it was a real good one.
ReplyDeleteDon't worry about me Kotsy I got my baptism by fire when I interviewed you. One of the few men who Harold Ballard got along with. You are right though. Jess does knows his stuff and I actually like to listen believe it or not so should be good.
ReplyDeleteJim , I have been super busy since I escaped Detroit with my life. I'm gonna make a point of listening to your podcast so I can steal some material. lol
Can't access this interview :(. Something on your end mouth...
ReplyDeleteMouth steal away, you have carte blanche. Besides, you get several mentions on our show, and I even do a "Mouth Impression" a few minutes into the show.
ReplyDeleteJess doing the whole show tonight?
PS, we had Jess do a live chat on the Banter about 6 weeks ago, it was a huge hit, Jess is alot of fun
ReplyDeletemjro88 we haven't done the show yet. It's tonight 8/6 9-11 PM EST Hope to hear from You !
ReplyDeleteJim I'm sorry I didn't get to your call. I gotta hear this impression !